No boos here.
Wow what an incredible idea! Very clear value prop, and simple steps!
McKenzie Decker - System and Soul
Obviously if you can solve this it’d be a game-changer.
Zack Strubel - Rayday
Wild idea, never seen anything like this.
Chris Frantz - Loops
This seems dope! Could see it being very useful!
Kenneth Cassel - Reason Robotics
Clear. Compelling. Unique.
Seems to check all the boxes.
Benj Miller - System and Soul
I love it. Wish I had this in my last role!
Nate Elliot - Airfoil
It’s solving a clear problem. Most automation is setup to follow up with people but it’s not clear why they stop responding.
Hunter McKinley - Backtrack
I love this idea!
Melanie Balke - The Email Marketers
You pay only when recipients respond ($49) and additionally IF they opt-in to re-engage ($199).
How it Works
How it Works
They Ghost.
They Ghost.
They Ghost.
Someone suddenly stops communicating with you. You don't know why, and it's frustrating.
Someone suddenly stops communicating with you. You don't know why, and it's frustrating.

We Reach Out.
We Reach Out.
We Reach Out.
As a skilled mediator, we engage with your leads in enticing ways that encourage a response.
As a skilled mediator, we engage with your leads in enticing ways that encourage a response.

You Learn.
We send anonymous responses to your team so you can make improvements to your process.

They Opt-in.
They can opt-in to be re-engaged. You get a second chance to follow up and win them back!

They Ghost.
Someone suddenly stops communicating with you. You don't know why, and it's frustrating.

We Reach Out.
As a skilled mediator, we engage with your leads in enticing ways that encourage a response.

You Learn.
You Learn.
You Learn.
We send anonymous responses to your team so you can make improvements to your process.
We send anonymous responses to your team so you can make improvements to your process.

They Opt-in.
They Opt-in.
They Opt-in.
They can opt-in to be re-engaged. You get a second chance to follow up and win them back!
They can opt-in to be re-engaged. You get a second chance to follow up and win them back!

Learn why leads
ghost you.
Learn why leads
ghost you.
Learn why leads
ghost you.
Win them back.
Win them back.
Win them back.
GhostMe reveals why leads vanish and shows you how to resurrect those missed opportunities.
GhostMe reveals why leads vanish and shows you how to resurrect those missed opportunities.
GhostMe reveals why leads vanish and shows you how to resurrect those missed opportunities.

Join others resurrecting dead leads.
Join others resurrecting dead leads.
Connect with Hubspot

Wow what an incredible idea! Very clear value prop, and simple steps!
McKenzie Decker - System and Soul
Obviously if you can solve this it’d be a game-changer.
Zack Strubel - Rayday
Wild idea, never seen anything like this.
Chris Frantz - Loops
This seems dope! Could see it being very useful!
Kenneth Cassel - Reason Robotics
Clear. Compelling. Unique.
Seems to check all the boxes.
Benj Miller - System and Soul
I love it. Wish I had this in my last role!
Nate Elliot - Airfoil
It’s solving a clear problem. Most automation is setup to follow up with people but it’s not clear why they stop responding.
Hunter McKinley - Backtrack
I love this idea!
Melanie Balke - The Email Marketers
No boos here.